Saturday, September 15, 2007

Finally I dream about Kyle

I dreamt about Kyle last night. I've been jealous of the boys on 12OunceProphet who have had Ky visit them in their dreams. My dream was quite bizarre and a Freudian could have a ball with it, and I'm not sure I'll blog it, but it was such a comfort. I woke up very alert and aware in the night, realizing I had dreamt about him, and tried to commit it to memory. I woke this morning with some remembrance. The odd part was that we both knew he had died, because I was asking where all his stuff is. He hadn't time to answer before the dream was over. It was so lovely, those few seconds of seeing and hearing him. Please come again soon, Kydie.


Robin said...

So glad...he'll come again soon...very soon.

Flynn said...

I've had two dreams about Kyle. The first: I was at a park, a typical park with yellow benches and tabels, and Kyle was there. He was towering over me, and we both knew he was dead. I was crying on him screaming that this was the last time I was going to see him. He never lost his composure. He knew it was the last time, but he never lost that "stupid" smile (that's what I called it). The second dream: This one was much shorter. I saw Kyle getting into a car, the passenger seat. I was across the street again crying and telling him that I was never going to see him again, and that I couldn't believe this was it. Again a smile, and he got into the car.

c. g. said...

oh flynn, i'm so glad you saw kyle, twice even. i wish i had him on film. someone must have something. i need to ask folk. it's still so new and so weird. be well . . .