Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Call for Comments

Dear Precious Reader,

I love it when you comment. It's like getting a hug. And, please don't feel you have to be family to write or to hug, if you're so inclined. Maybe this blog feels awfully personal, too personal to join in. Yeah, it's personal. But, heaven's to Bettsy*, I've put the darned thing on the Dub-Dub-Dub** so it's not like I'm shy.

If you're reading this blog, thank you. If you are a returning reader, bless your heart. Like most writers, in my mind I am writing to an audience, to you. First, you're imaginary. Once I see a comment with a name, or once you've told me you're reading it, you become real, part of a real audience. When I write, I picture you and others. So, now, if you were to stop reading, it might feel like I'm blogging for nothing.

Except, of course, I'm blogging because Life After Death is one roller-coaster ride after another. And I never did like roller-coasters. But I do like blogging. When I'm filled with sadness or rage or even bittersweet memories, when I am hit with the absurdity or the tragedy of events, it just helps to put it "out there" to you all. Once it's written, it ceases to sting so much. I am rid of it and more at peace.

But, although, I am all about monologue here, I am also about dialogue. And I'd love to hear from you if anything you read strikes your fancy, or if anything you read resonates a "been there" experience and you want to share it. Or if you don't want to comment, that's fine too. Remember, this is the mother of the "It's-all-good-Mom"-Kid. And it is.

And--as Yuma signed off recently--
"With love and peace till we all understand,"


* My mom Bettsy (RIP) spelled her name with two T's.
** Double-u, Double-u, Double-u=World Wide Web


sbl2383 said...

i'm out here...i'm reading every word you & miranda write....i'm aching for you that it all has to be so painful....i'm sending lots of hugs....

c. g. said...

hey suzanne -- you are so sweet. this last week was tough. hope your trip was good. i'm outa commission until i get my tax extension done. but i'm overdue for a beach walk. so, soon...

Crystal said...

It might be ridiculous to comment now, two years after your post, but I just came across your story and then this post, so I wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss. It's tearing at my heart - your tall, handsome son, who looks so much like my brother and was taken away from you absurdly early in his life. God bless you. I hope that with time has come at least a little more peace.