Sunday, October 21, 2007

Snowball and the Red Sox

i'm still finishing up another work-related project. deadline was on the 12th. i'll get it done soon, but it's making me delay blogging, seeing friends, calling family, and getting financial things done.

but despite my tear-ridden chute stretch (thanks, Suzanne, for the oh-so-accurate Chutes and Ladders analogy), dancing Snowball and the mighty efforts of the Red Sox have given me several days of ascension on the ladder.

but i must get back to work.

tonight is the last game of the Sox/Cleveland series for the Pennant.
Go Manny, Go Papi, Go Lowell, Go Drew (thanks for the Grand Slam), Go Youkilis, Go Varitek, (GET BACK TO WORK, CYN!) Go everybody.

and Go Dice-K
and the closers.

But i really gotta go.