Monday, January 7, 2008

Mysterious Ways

Lovely Laura, Kyle's girlfriend, came over last night. She is doing beautifully, having just graduated from the University of San Francisco with a psychology major. She looked wonderful and healthy and was upbeat. It was so comforting to see her doing so well.

Laura had done a remarkably brave thing. She had taken the Caltrain again. THE train from near Santa Cruz headed north. THE train that had stopped for 45 minutes and then, while Kyle was going to fetch them Chinese food, started up again after only 20 to 30 minutes. The train he had tried to climb on. The train he had fallen from.

Laura had gone to the second story (I hadn't realized this was a double decker train) and taken a seat. She sat at the back, as close to the seat she had sat in on July 5th as she could tell. It was not easy.

Obviously, this would have been overwhelming for anyone who had lost her boyfriend in a train accident. But two more things happened to shake her up a bit. The seatback that she faced was covered in graffiti. Writing not that artistic, kind of like Kyle would have done if he'd taken to defacing backs of seats on trains. She looked around at the other seats. No other had writing of any kind.

The she found beneath her seat a bag containing Chinese food, left untouched by a previous passenger. She called her parents.

I'm not going so far as to say that Kyle finally delivered Laura the food he promised but left in a hurry. But hearing about the graffiti and the food did take my breath away.

One more reason I may have to start Atheists for an Afterlife.


Katie said...

wow. that is breathtaking. thank you for sharing. bless her. and you. and him. k

Anonymous said...

It would be wonderful to hear more about Laura - when did she and Kyle meet - how long had they known one another - what did she think of Kyle's art and music and study?

So glad the two of you got together for a visit and what a story about her experience... : )

wanda said...

This gives me goose bumps...especially the part about the chinese food. what are the odds? hope - the message of the New Year. As a first grade teacher I know says to get her kids to take in cleansing breaths in the "calming chair" - Smell the delicious soup (deep smooth inhalation), then blow on it slowly to cool it off (slow exhalation.)